Monday, December 12, 2011

Running Tomcat in the background on DOS

I came across a nifty bit of code that can start Apache Tomcat in the background on DOS.  I'm so used to starting in Linux with nohop. But alas, nohop on DOS so I found this batch script (which can be used to start any process in the background)...

@echo off
if {%1}=={} @echo Syntax: HideBatch BatchFile [Param1 Param2 ... ParamN]&goto :EOF
set VBS="%TEMP%\HideBatch.vbs"
if exist %VBS% goto Runit
@echo dim obj, obj1, obj2, objArgument>%VBS%
@echo Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")>>%VBS%
@echo Set objArgument = Wscript.Arguments>>%VBS%
@echo obj1=objArgument(0)>>%VBS%
@echo obj2=Replace(obj1, "```", """")>>%VBS%
@echo obj = WshShell.Run(obj2, 0)>>%VBS%
@echo set WshShell = Nothing>>%VBS%
set param=%*
set param="%param:"=```%"
cscript //nologo %VBS% %param%


It is simply a matter of executing this batch with the correct arguments for Tomcat...

$> launch.bat catalina.bat run

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